Writing a memoir or biography of some great person in society is a huge task that should be considered carefully. The first thing to consider is that you should check your motives to find out from your inner core what are the reasons or rationale for wanting to write about the life of this person. A memoir or biography should be written only if you were affected profoundly by the person's life. This is the primary motivation for wanting to write the biography or memoir. In this case even if you are not a professional or experienced writer you can still go ahead to produce the book. You should not be just a source to a professional writer who you will be interviewed about the life of that someone you know.
The world needs people who are just themselves as human beings not some professional. The world needs books written by people who are genuine - people who are writing from the heart instead of a professional writer who will, instead of concentrating on the truth, is concerned with language structure, syntax and morphology of words. A biography or memoir is more about thorough acquaintance with the person being written about than language dynamics.
You must be at absolute sympathy with the subject, and enthusiastically be devoted the project, that is the writing process itself. As no one can interpret a poet without poetic feeling and taste, or a philosopher without speculative talent, so no one can rightly comprehend and exhibit the life of another person without being in sympathy with that person.
So instead of just being a source for information to experienced biographer or memoir writer considers yourself to be up to the task of writing a memoir or biography of that person who you know closely and you know those characteristics that made him or her to be on top of human society.
Your highest and only aim should be, like a witness, to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and, like a judge, to do full justice to every person and event which comes under your consideration. Your job is to bring out reality that you know from experience and contact with the person you are writing.
But by all means it comes to planning the project in advance. If you are affected by the life of your subject you will indeed have passion to go through the complex process of planning and outlining the book. Once you have an outline you have the book, because the facts are there around you and from the people who you know can contribute to your book - providing you with their views about your subject.
Jumat, 27 Oktober 2017
The Basics and Encouragement of Writing a Memoir or Biography
Selasa, 10 Oktober 2017
A Memoir of Childhood Terror - A Story of Healing
Arms Akimbo: A Journey of Healing, written by Audrey Roth, is the story of a terror-filled childhood and the aftermath of pain and healing. Roth chronicles her life from a childhood of sexual abuse and incest to the recovery process that led her to write this book for others.
From the age of three years old, Roth was repeatedly molested by her own father. As traumatic as this always is to a small child, Roth found ways to survive the pain and emotional distress. With the help of diverse groups of support, Roth was able to work through the healing process that all child-victim survivors must eventually face.
In Arms Akimbo, Roth tells of the various groups in her life that helped her heal. For example, from a spiritual standpoint, Rabbi Kleinbaum convinced Roth that she didn't have to embrace the Judaism of her parents, but could create the role that religion was to have in her life.
Artistically, a community called Mudflat in Massachusetts opened their arms and led Roth to find creativity in the molding of clay with her hands, while her mind worked through the pain in her heart.
Psychologically and emotionally, Roth gives credit to therapists such as Evelyn Schroeder, who was also a friend and mentor and supported Roth through her father's death and sorting through devastating memories. During late night phone calls to friends and supporters, Roth poured out her damaged heart and soul and the result was a network of love that helped her see that she had true value.
During the writing of Arms Akimbo, Roth also had the help and support she needed from friends, professionals and family members who believed in her writing and encouraged her to keep writing. The memories that Roth extracted during the journey of writing her book were painful, but she kept on going through tears of angst.
Roth describes her childhood existence as living in a "Jekyll and Hyde" home, where her father could be loving and nurturing when he was sober, but was another personality when he was drunk. From the outside, Roth's family looked ideal - a mother whom everyone thought was perfect and a father who was always the "life of the party." But, inside the family was another story. Alcoholism and child molestation were the dark little secrets within the family and were never spoken of.
As the years marched on, Roth realized that something was wrong - that emotionally, she felt as if a volcano was about to erupt. When she had her daughter, she knew that something had to be done and she began the journey of healing that was to take her into the deep recesses of her mind to face the demons that lived there.
Arms Akimbo: A Journey of Healing, written by Audrey Roth is an incredible story that can be a beacon of light for others who have gone through similar childhood traumas.
From the age of three years old, Roth was repeatedly molested by her own father. As traumatic as this always is to a small child, Roth found ways to survive the pain and emotional distress. With the help of diverse groups of support, Roth was able to work through the healing process that all child-victim survivors must eventually face.
In Arms Akimbo, Roth tells of the various groups in her life that helped her heal. For example, from a spiritual standpoint, Rabbi Kleinbaum convinced Roth that she didn't have to embrace the Judaism of her parents, but could create the role that religion was to have in her life.
Artistically, a community called Mudflat in Massachusetts opened their arms and led Roth to find creativity in the molding of clay with her hands, while her mind worked through the pain in her heart.
Psychologically and emotionally, Roth gives credit to therapists such as Evelyn Schroeder, who was also a friend and mentor and supported Roth through her father's death and sorting through devastating memories. During late night phone calls to friends and supporters, Roth poured out her damaged heart and soul and the result was a network of love that helped her see that she had true value.
During the writing of Arms Akimbo, Roth also had the help and support she needed from friends, professionals and family members who believed in her writing and encouraged her to keep writing. The memories that Roth extracted during the journey of writing her book were painful, but she kept on going through tears of angst.
Roth describes her childhood existence as living in a "Jekyll and Hyde" home, where her father could be loving and nurturing when he was sober, but was another personality when he was drunk. From the outside, Roth's family looked ideal - a mother whom everyone thought was perfect and a father who was always the "life of the party." But, inside the family was another story. Alcoholism and child molestation were the dark little secrets within the family and were never spoken of.
As the years marched on, Roth realized that something was wrong - that emotionally, she felt as if a volcano was about to erupt. When she had her daughter, she knew that something had to be done and she began the journey of healing that was to take her into the deep recesses of her mind to face the demons that lived there.
Arms Akimbo: A Journey of Healing, written by Audrey Roth is an incredible story that can be a beacon of light for others who have gone through similar childhood traumas.
Selasa, 26 September 2017
Personal History Biography: Written, Audio, Video Memoir?
There is something about biography, isn't there? Our fascination with our own life is probably understandable enough. But we are also curious about the lives of others. More than curious, biography is one of the largest categories in publishing and it consumes endless hours of TV and cable broadcasting. From A&E to the History Channel, we can't seem to get enough biographies. And, with the new tech-tools available to us, personal and family history biographies are increasingly popular.
Our curiosity about the lives of others is not something that People magazine, cable TV and the paparazzi invented just recently. Plutarch, writing about 100 years after Christ, penned around 50 personal history biographies - comparing the lives of famous Greek and Roman identities. Plutarch's Parallel Lives still rates as one of the greatest feats of biographical writing of all time; and as well as being studied in ancient history courses it still sells by the thousands in the general bookstores.
Even though Plutarch mostly wrote about the Ancient World's rich and famous, he knew that the measure of a life was not the size of the deeds and achievements - but the moral worth of that life. And the worth of that life would more likely be revealed by the personal details:
"It is not histories I am writing, but lives; and in the most glorious deeds there is not always an indication of virtue or vice, indeed a small thing like a phrase or a jest often makes a greater revelation of a character than battles where thousands die." Plutarch Life of Alexander/Life of Julius Caesar
So, congratulations in taking the first step towards creating your own personal history biography and joining a tradition that goes back thousands of years. The good news is that preserving your life story has come a long way since Plutarch and parchment. The main options these days include the written memoir, the audio memoir and the video memoir
Write your memoirs
You can start handwriting your memoirs immediately with a pen and an exercise book. It helps to map out some topics - a chronological approach (e.g. "grandparents", "parents", "growing up", "school" etc) is often (but not always) better than an approach based on themes (e.g. "family", "friends", "challenges" etc. Ask friends and family for suggestions about topics or stories; kids in particular often have favorite stories which they want to preserve for their own children.
Some people start with a printed memory book that sets out questions and provides spaces for an answer. The challenge for an would-be writer is to just get started with something. Because writing is self-directed, procrastination is the biggest danger in creating a personal history biography in words. Writing can benefit yourself and is a great way to sort out thoughts on complex subjects (as Samuel Johnson said, "I don't know what I think till I write it down"). But you should find motivation too in the eager eyes of your future readers. You are doing it more for them than yourself.
Once written, it is a good idea to have a hand written memoir typed. (You can hire a copy typist for as low as $1.00 a page.) And, once typed, you can think about having your biography self-published. ("Blurb" and "Lulu" are two reputable, on-line book publishers that allow you to upload your material from a computer and they print books for as low as $10.00 for a 5"x8" soft cover book - with a full color cover.) Once published, make sure you keep your handwritten copy - your descendants will value it too, trust me.
Advantages of written memoirs: simple, immediate and timeless; the minimum of equipment, the maximum of information; can be printed.
Disadvantages of written memoirs: procrastination; handwriting may be hard to read; can be stilted; not all subjects are sufficiently literate.
Voice Record your life story
Some people audio record their personal history biographies. More often though, life stories are harvested by a relative or a friend or even a professional over a number of sessions using questions thought out well in advance. The old method was to use dictaphone machines with those mini cassettes - or an old cassette player that one of the kids used to play music on back in the day. Now you can buy digital voice recorders that to the same job. Often, these recordings are transcribed and, with some editing, can be turned into a written memoir (see above).
The attraction of voice recording over a written memoir is that it captures something "live" of the person - their voice, their accent, their laugh. Listening, you can feel as if you are in the same room. Having listened to an audio recording, you get to know the person in a way that a written memoir does not allow. The attraction for the subject may be that it is less work to answer questions on audio than to spend time composing written memoirs.
But audio recordings by themselves have a number of problems. First, they are opaque. You cannot flip through an audio recording to find the bit you like. As a result, they tend to stay stored in a drawer or an old shoebox. Second, the machines that play most old audio recordings are disappearing or simply stop working. So for these reasons, audio tapes may not the best home for your personal history biography.
Life stories recorded on tape can be edited and converted to CDs to very good effect though. First, the audio on the tape need to be digitized (basically, you need to run a cable from the headphone jack of the tape recorder into your computer, then open audio editing software to record it to your computer's hard drive). Then you need to listen to all the audio and in your audio editing software you can break it up into separate segments. The idea is to form tracks for each of the separate stories. Then you bring all those tracks into iTunes and make a set of audio CDs that can be played in the car or passed around to be uploaded to iPods (and all the other modern gizmos that so bedazzle the younger generation). You can even program iTunes so that no matter which computer you upload the audio tracks to, the track names will appear in the person's play list.
Advantages of audio memoirs: Reveals personality; easier for the subject; can be turned into tracks for iTunes.
Disadvantages of audio memoirs: Requires some expertise to upload to a computer to edit; audio often "locked" into legacy recording devices.
Video memoirs
The most recent trend in personal history biography is the video memoir. It's only been in the last few years that the technology has reached a point that makes video biography practical and affordable. And it is the most engaging form of biography of all the options.
Video memoirs are the closest thing we have to immortality. On video, you can capture stories as well as the personality of the subject. You can bring in photographs and music and all kinds of other material to show the life in all its facets. We have all seen "A&E" biographies; well, you can create those for yourself or a loved one.
You will need a video camera and a lapel mic and a tripod is a good idea. Also, you need a computer and some simple (and free) video editing software to put everything in order. There are plenty of websites that give advice on how to put all that together. There is certainly a steeper learning curve for video biography. You need to know something about video and video editing - which can be learned by older folks but tends to be almost instinctive to the younger generation! Once mastered, the video memoir is the true home of the personal history biography.
Once made, a video memoir can be embedded on a family website or blog or posted to a video hosting service like YouTube and seen around the country and around the world. Families seeking to enlist the interest of their younger members find video biography a more accessible way to expose the kids to a personal history biography and to introduce them to the family's history - remembering grandparents once they have passed.
Video memoirs are an area where professional help can make a world of difference if you are unwilling to taken on the project for yourself.
Advantages of a video memoir: Captures personality; closest thing to immortality; can be posted to the web and appreciated by family around the world.
Disadvantages of a video memoir: Technically the most challenging of all the biography options; professional help costs money.
Whatever option you choose, know that a personal history biography project will be one of the most important tasks you will ever take on. And, depending on the option you choose, you will achieve the closet thing we have to immortality. Many of the lives in Plutarch we only really know from his biographies. With some planning and a little determination, any one of us can be the Plutarch of our families.
Our curiosity about the lives of others is not something that People magazine, cable TV and the paparazzi invented just recently. Plutarch, writing about 100 years after Christ, penned around 50 personal history biographies - comparing the lives of famous Greek and Roman identities. Plutarch's Parallel Lives still rates as one of the greatest feats of biographical writing of all time; and as well as being studied in ancient history courses it still sells by the thousands in the general bookstores.
Even though Plutarch mostly wrote about the Ancient World's rich and famous, he knew that the measure of a life was not the size of the deeds and achievements - but the moral worth of that life. And the worth of that life would more likely be revealed by the personal details:
"It is not histories I am writing, but lives; and in the most glorious deeds there is not always an indication of virtue or vice, indeed a small thing like a phrase or a jest often makes a greater revelation of a character than battles where thousands die." Plutarch Life of Alexander/Life of Julius Caesar
So, congratulations in taking the first step towards creating your own personal history biography and joining a tradition that goes back thousands of years. The good news is that preserving your life story has come a long way since Plutarch and parchment. The main options these days include the written memoir, the audio memoir and the video memoir
Write your memoirs
You can start handwriting your memoirs immediately with a pen and an exercise book. It helps to map out some topics - a chronological approach (e.g. "grandparents", "parents", "growing up", "school" etc) is often (but not always) better than an approach based on themes (e.g. "family", "friends", "challenges" etc. Ask friends and family for suggestions about topics or stories; kids in particular often have favorite stories which they want to preserve for their own children.
Some people start with a printed memory book that sets out questions and provides spaces for an answer. The challenge for an would-be writer is to just get started with something. Because writing is self-directed, procrastination is the biggest danger in creating a personal history biography in words. Writing can benefit yourself and is a great way to sort out thoughts on complex subjects (as Samuel Johnson said, "I don't know what I think till I write it down"). But you should find motivation too in the eager eyes of your future readers. You are doing it more for them than yourself.
Once written, it is a good idea to have a hand written memoir typed. (You can hire a copy typist for as low as $1.00 a page.) And, once typed, you can think about having your biography self-published. ("Blurb" and "Lulu" are two reputable, on-line book publishers that allow you to upload your material from a computer and they print books for as low as $10.00 for a 5"x8" soft cover book - with a full color cover.) Once published, make sure you keep your handwritten copy - your descendants will value it too, trust me.
Advantages of written memoirs: simple, immediate and timeless; the minimum of equipment, the maximum of information; can be printed.
Disadvantages of written memoirs: procrastination; handwriting may be hard to read; can be stilted; not all subjects are sufficiently literate.
Voice Record your life story
Some people audio record their personal history biographies. More often though, life stories are harvested by a relative or a friend or even a professional over a number of sessions using questions thought out well in advance. The old method was to use dictaphone machines with those mini cassettes - or an old cassette player that one of the kids used to play music on back in the day. Now you can buy digital voice recorders that to the same job. Often, these recordings are transcribed and, with some editing, can be turned into a written memoir (see above).
The attraction of voice recording over a written memoir is that it captures something "live" of the person - their voice, their accent, their laugh. Listening, you can feel as if you are in the same room. Having listened to an audio recording, you get to know the person in a way that a written memoir does not allow. The attraction for the subject may be that it is less work to answer questions on audio than to spend time composing written memoirs.
But audio recordings by themselves have a number of problems. First, they are opaque. You cannot flip through an audio recording to find the bit you like. As a result, they tend to stay stored in a drawer or an old shoebox. Second, the machines that play most old audio recordings are disappearing or simply stop working. So for these reasons, audio tapes may not the best home for your personal history biography.
Life stories recorded on tape can be edited and converted to CDs to very good effect though. First, the audio on the tape need to be digitized (basically, you need to run a cable from the headphone jack of the tape recorder into your computer, then open audio editing software to record it to your computer's hard drive). Then you need to listen to all the audio and in your audio editing software you can break it up into separate segments. The idea is to form tracks for each of the separate stories. Then you bring all those tracks into iTunes and make a set of audio CDs that can be played in the car or passed around to be uploaded to iPods (and all the other modern gizmos that so bedazzle the younger generation). You can even program iTunes so that no matter which computer you upload the audio tracks to, the track names will appear in the person's play list.
Advantages of audio memoirs: Reveals personality; easier for the subject; can be turned into tracks for iTunes.
Disadvantages of audio memoirs: Requires some expertise to upload to a computer to edit; audio often "locked" into legacy recording devices.
Video memoirs
The most recent trend in personal history biography is the video memoir. It's only been in the last few years that the technology has reached a point that makes video biography practical and affordable. And it is the most engaging form of biography of all the options.
Video memoirs are the closest thing we have to immortality. On video, you can capture stories as well as the personality of the subject. You can bring in photographs and music and all kinds of other material to show the life in all its facets. We have all seen "A&E" biographies; well, you can create those for yourself or a loved one.
You will need a video camera and a lapel mic and a tripod is a good idea. Also, you need a computer and some simple (and free) video editing software to put everything in order. There are plenty of websites that give advice on how to put all that together. There is certainly a steeper learning curve for video biography. You need to know something about video and video editing - which can be learned by older folks but tends to be almost instinctive to the younger generation! Once mastered, the video memoir is the true home of the personal history biography.
Once made, a video memoir can be embedded on a family website or blog or posted to a video hosting service like YouTube and seen around the country and around the world. Families seeking to enlist the interest of their younger members find video biography a more accessible way to expose the kids to a personal history biography and to introduce them to the family's history - remembering grandparents once they have passed.
Video memoirs are an area where professional help can make a world of difference if you are unwilling to taken on the project for yourself.
Advantages of a video memoir: Captures personality; closest thing to immortality; can be posted to the web and appreciated by family around the world.
Disadvantages of a video memoir: Technically the most challenging of all the biography options; professional help costs money.
Whatever option you choose, know that a personal history biography project will be one of the most important tasks you will ever take on. And, depending on the option you choose, you will achieve the closet thing we have to immortality. Many of the lives in Plutarch we only really know from his biographies. With some planning and a little determination, any one of us can be the Plutarch of our families.
Senin, 11 September 2017
Learn How to Write a Book - It's Easier Then You Think
Anyone who has ever made a casserole or a flower bed or a piece of furniture knows that there are steps one has to learn in order to do a thing well. You have to know the materials you're working with, how to organize your thinking, how to pace your efforts, which steps to take first and which steps must follow. Well, it's no different when it comes to writing a book. Like any other craft, one has to learn the basics. But with the right guidance, you too can learn how to write a book.
Many aspiring writers yearn to become novelists. The world of fiction offers anyone the chance to bring his or her wildest imaginings to life. The novice novelist, however, needs to know the basic elements of writing fiction. Plot, character, setting, dialogue, descriptive language - these are the building blocks of the novel, and all of them must be learned. The trick is understand how these various elements fit together. Study the books you love. See how their authors set up their stories. See how they use dialogue to bring their characters to life. The answers are there, if you look for them. And fortunately there are many writers who are willing to share what they've already figured out with you.
If you're attracted to the world of non-fiction, the choices are many: self-help books, travel guides, spiritual guides, biographies, memoirs. The list is endless. The main difference between non-fiction and fiction is "voice." In a novel, the voice can belong to one or several of the characters, or to an omniscient narrator. In a non-fiction book, the voice is yours. Once you've identified your area of expertise - and what you want to say - you need to develop an engaging and authoritative voice with which you can write about it.
Whichever form you choose, there are basic elements to learn. You wouldn't sit down at a piano and expect to start playing a Chopin mazurka without any training. You wouldn't expect to begin carving a statue out of marble without knowing how to hold the chisel or visualize the form inside the stone. So you can't expect to sit down and start writing a book without help from those who've gone before you. If you're willing to get this help, however, and you're determined, you too can learn how to write a book.
Many aspiring writers yearn to become novelists. The world of fiction offers anyone the chance to bring his or her wildest imaginings to life. The novice novelist, however, needs to know the basic elements of writing fiction. Plot, character, setting, dialogue, descriptive language - these are the building blocks of the novel, and all of them must be learned. The trick is understand how these various elements fit together. Study the books you love. See how their authors set up their stories. See how they use dialogue to bring their characters to life. The answers are there, if you look for them. And fortunately there are many writers who are willing to share what they've already figured out with you.
If you're attracted to the world of non-fiction, the choices are many: self-help books, travel guides, spiritual guides, biographies, memoirs. The list is endless. The main difference between non-fiction and fiction is "voice." In a novel, the voice can belong to one or several of the characters, or to an omniscient narrator. In a non-fiction book, the voice is yours. Once you've identified your area of expertise - and what you want to say - you need to develop an engaging and authoritative voice with which you can write about it.
Whichever form you choose, there are basic elements to learn. You wouldn't sit down at a piano and expect to start playing a Chopin mazurka without any training. You wouldn't expect to begin carving a statue out of marble without knowing how to hold the chisel or visualize the form inside the stone. So you can't expect to sit down and start writing a book without help from those who've gone before you. If you're willing to get this help, however, and you're determined, you too can learn how to write a book.
Minggu, 20 Agustus 2017
The Responsibilities and Guidelines When Writing a Biography Or Memoir
The duty of a biographer is to provide perspectives on a life that was in most instances had salt - was valuable. In this context the biographer will seek to reveal those key issues which in the ultimate end will assist in human development in general and help us to know those individuals amongst us who rose to great heights in their service to humanity.
To this regard the biographer should have clear perspectives about the life being investigated. The biographer must get around the nooks and crannies of the life he or she is writing about. The biographer must have sources that he or she must thoroughly and impartially examine to determine their genuineness and integrity, and the credibility and the capacity of the people the biographer is interviewing.
In many instances the sources might be many and it might be impossible to assimilate and digest them all. Take, perhaps the life of Princess Diana - if you will set yourself to write about her you will e confronted with scores of sources and people who has something to say. In this context as the biographer you should be guided by reliability and readability - utmost condensation of sources should be studied by a judicious selection of salient points in the history of a life being studied. The reader of a biography it is true should not get miniature pictures of history, but full comprehensive portraits. Yet much space may be gained by omitting the processes and unessential details and condense facts into a concise coherent system.
It was upon these guidelines that we set out to do a biography of Eugen Weber, the most reverent former chair of History Department at the University of California. Eugen Weber was familiar, charming presence to Americans who saw his acclaimed 52-part lecture series, "The Western Tradition," produced by the Annenberg Foundation for PBS in 1989.
We were confronted with a lot of sources. There were past students of Eugen Weber to talk to in structured interviews, there were his peers and there was this vast reservoir - the internet full of reviews of the books Eugen Weber published. One thing was clear in our minds that we were not going to buckle down under peer pressure and resemble those biographers who write thick books about their subjects as if it is a testimony of the mighty things the subject did. We thought biographies can be effective and be read better if they are condense and made readable. There is no use writing thick books unless they are going to be read in their entirety not only parts. I am a big consumer of biographies but in most of them - especially the thick once I find myself satisfied with reading only a quarter of the whole book.
To this regard the biographer should have clear perspectives about the life being investigated. The biographer must get around the nooks and crannies of the life he or she is writing about. The biographer must have sources that he or she must thoroughly and impartially examine to determine their genuineness and integrity, and the credibility and the capacity of the people the biographer is interviewing.
In many instances the sources might be many and it might be impossible to assimilate and digest them all. Take, perhaps the life of Princess Diana - if you will set yourself to write about her you will e confronted with scores of sources and people who has something to say. In this context as the biographer you should be guided by reliability and readability - utmost condensation of sources should be studied by a judicious selection of salient points in the history of a life being studied. The reader of a biography it is true should not get miniature pictures of history, but full comprehensive portraits. Yet much space may be gained by omitting the processes and unessential details and condense facts into a concise coherent system.
It was upon these guidelines that we set out to do a biography of Eugen Weber, the most reverent former chair of History Department at the University of California. Eugen Weber was familiar, charming presence to Americans who saw his acclaimed 52-part lecture series, "The Western Tradition," produced by the Annenberg Foundation for PBS in 1989.
We were confronted with a lot of sources. There were past students of Eugen Weber to talk to in structured interviews, there were his peers and there was this vast reservoir - the internet full of reviews of the books Eugen Weber published. One thing was clear in our minds that we were not going to buckle down under peer pressure and resemble those biographers who write thick books about their subjects as if it is a testimony of the mighty things the subject did. We thought biographies can be effective and be read better if they are condense and made readable. There is no use writing thick books unless they are going to be read in their entirety not only parts. I am a big consumer of biographies but in most of them - especially the thick once I find myself satisfied with reading only a quarter of the whole book.
Rabu, 09 Agustus 2017
Writing Memoirs Paints a Vivid Picture of Your Life Experiences
A memoir is a narrative of personal experience. Writing memoirs includes writing about yourself or someone else. They should include:
• Some specific facets of life such as personal relationship, traveling experience, or business history.
• Some memorable event experienced. This can include experiences of war, economic crisis, achievements, etc.
• Some particular period of time such as childhood days, adolescence, or old age.
While writing memoirs, you will first need to decide on the theme you want to present to the world. Some of the popular theme expressions are love, confidence, dreams, achievements, tough situations, etc. Once you get the theme right, it becomes easier to frame other tasks. If you are not sure about the theme, look for help from a professional content writing company. Procuring the help of an experienced writer can help you determine applicable themes, and then frame the outline to support the theme.
How to Write a Memoir?
Before starting to write a memoir, it is good to make a list of important dates (anniversary, birthday), and names of the people you plan to mention specifically in your book. Set attainable goals for the completion of the book. Commit to work for certain hours, or to achieve a specific amount of words or pages each day. Once you get started, more ideas will flow as your write. However, don't include unnecessary details while writing memoirs. Keep the narrative focused.
If you decide to hire a memoir writer, they may also make use of tools like image-editing software, video camera, voice recorder, office tools, and eBook creation tools. Eventually they craft your ideas into a legacy in print. One advantage to using such services is that they can get the job done within a small period of time. Often the first draft needs more work. Expect this, and expect to put in time required to rework the material.
Service Provided by Online Writing Coach:
If you have difficulty getting your ideas organized on paper, consider finding a memoir writer online. Generally one hour of free consultation is provided by the writers. Use that time to talk about the aspects of your memoir. If you find the person to be suitable for the job, schedule an online interview. Although the overall processes of memoir writing is common, they may vary in certain instances. In general you can expect services to include:
• Collecting the stories and the required information through interviewing and recording
• Some information digitally transcribed
• Editing the given data and shaping into a full-fledged biographical memoir
• Proofreading the project more than two times to eliminate grammar errors and other mistakes
• Image editing and final touches
• Finally printing your data in the form of a biography book.
Writings memoirs is a unique way to cherish your past and present with the future in mind. A well-written memoir makes a great gift to your upcoming generations and leaves them with a vivid, personal look at your life experiences.
• Some specific facets of life such as personal relationship, traveling experience, or business history.
• Some memorable event experienced. This can include experiences of war, economic crisis, achievements, etc.
• Some particular period of time such as childhood days, adolescence, or old age.
While writing memoirs, you will first need to decide on the theme you want to present to the world. Some of the popular theme expressions are love, confidence, dreams, achievements, tough situations, etc. Once you get the theme right, it becomes easier to frame other tasks. If you are not sure about the theme, look for help from a professional content writing company. Procuring the help of an experienced writer can help you determine applicable themes, and then frame the outline to support the theme.
How to Write a Memoir?
Before starting to write a memoir, it is good to make a list of important dates (anniversary, birthday), and names of the people you plan to mention specifically in your book. Set attainable goals for the completion of the book. Commit to work for certain hours, or to achieve a specific amount of words or pages each day. Once you get started, more ideas will flow as your write. However, don't include unnecessary details while writing memoirs. Keep the narrative focused.
If you decide to hire a memoir writer, they may also make use of tools like image-editing software, video camera, voice recorder, office tools, and eBook creation tools. Eventually they craft your ideas into a legacy in print. One advantage to using such services is that they can get the job done within a small period of time. Often the first draft needs more work. Expect this, and expect to put in time required to rework the material.
Service Provided by Online Writing Coach:
If you have difficulty getting your ideas organized on paper, consider finding a memoir writer online. Generally one hour of free consultation is provided by the writers. Use that time to talk about the aspects of your memoir. If you find the person to be suitable for the job, schedule an online interview. Although the overall processes of memoir writing is common, they may vary in certain instances. In general you can expect services to include:
• Collecting the stories and the required information through interviewing and recording
• Some information digitally transcribed
• Editing the given data and shaping into a full-fledged biographical memoir
• Proofreading the project more than two times to eliminate grammar errors and other mistakes
• Image editing and final touches
• Finally printing your data in the form of a biography book.
Writings memoirs is a unique way to cherish your past and present with the future in mind. A well-written memoir makes a great gift to your upcoming generations and leaves them with a vivid, personal look at your life experiences.
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